Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ketchup! (Warm Ups Vol. 1.12)

Nothing to see here.. well, except the images. Posting some more warm up sketches to "resync" the blog.

Draw like you mean it!

02.08 Day 34 - Anatomy study from Dynamic Anatomy

02.09 Day 35 - Sans ref, statue man!

02.10 Day 36 - Anatomy study from Dynamic Anatomy


  1. Hi Mark! That's my game plan. Thanks for the encouraging words. :)

  2. I've tried to draw on numerous occasions, but can never maintain the energy required to get past the "man I suck" stage.

  3. I totally know how you feel. More days than not, I feel like I'm stuck fast in the "man I suck" stage. In the past, I would draw in spurts, sketching over a few days, get discouraged and drop the pencil for months and months. This is the first time I've decided I'm going to learn to draw no matter what. I set a tangible goal to draw every day- minimum of 30 mins. Period. It's helped my motivation tremendously to set that goal. Even if I "fail" with an ugly sketch, I can succeed in my goal merely by putting the pencil on the paper. It's made a huge difference for me.Tomorrow is a new day and there will be a new sheet of paper. I'm ok with failure each day knowing that because of what I'm doing today, there is a strong possibility that tomorrow I'll fail a teeny bit less.
